
My birthday is in May. Like everyone, I have thoughts on age and time and meaning. I’ll share them with you if you’d like. Just ask.

As part of this, I am getting rid of some stuff I’ve made in the past year. This contains approximately seventeen paintings and two photosets. I am giving things away; anything left by the end of the month is going to be destroyed.

If you want a painting, you can have it. If you’d like it shipped to you, you pay shipping. If you’re local, I’ll deliver it to you by bicycle. I’ll even wear a hat. You are welcome to come pick up things.

Paintings are on canvas, unstretched and unframed. I can arrange for framing if you’d like (at cost to you.) I will retain photographs of paintings.

On photos: I have some photosets. These were done in collaboration with two local photographers. As far as I know, they have copies of the photos. If you would like a photo (or photos), you have the following options: 1) I will get them printed (at cost to you) and/or 2) I will give you a copy of the files. Any of these given away will then be deleted from my computer. Photographers may still retain copies. If you would like to see the complete photosets, drop me a line and we can meet up.

As photos of everything become available, I will post them. (Photo will be removed once a piece is claimed if the claimer requests it.) You can get a peek by browsing through the “art” tag. If you claim a piece, I will tell you about it if you’d like.

Wikipedia Day NYC

I was lucky enough to be invited too Wikipedia Day NYC to talk about some of my favorite stuff with really great people.

I was on a panel called “Free Culture Alliance,” and an alliance we were. Between the five of us (and a surprise guest panelist!), we had five different backgrounds, five difference specialities, and a singular goal of supporting freedom and knowledge. The panel was moderated by Jennifer Baek, an NYU law student and member (leader?) of their Students for Free Culture branch, who was a solid participant in her own right.

What I really loved about the panel was the great group of people on it. Wesley Chen (OpenITP), John Randall (the Roosevelt Institute), and Lane Rasberry (bluerasberry, and Wikipedian in Residence at Consumer Reports). This means we had someone working in reliable and secure internet communication, someone working towards broadband access all across America, and someone working on accessible, reliable knowledge (and outreach, specifically in the medical field.) This really was a group of people all over supporting free culture–from actual access to the internet, to safe communication, to reliable information. When faced with a question about Larry Lessig, we were pleased to discover that Eric Eldred was in the audience. He was willing to join us on stage and fill in the gaps.

I’d like to thank Pharos for first inviting me here, Jennifer for her great work, and my co-panelists for their projects and sharing their time and knowledge with me.